People are our priority, because only thouse employees who feel comfortable with us can give their very best for us and for our customers.
Teamwork is essential for us – on and between all levels. Clarity and reliability, appreciation and acceptance are the basis for the good working atmosphere at DATAGROUP. The basic requirements for this are: joy, an open communications culture, professional feedback, fairness and friendliness towards each other.
Every phase of life has its own focal point, whether career, family, building a house, a honorary post, taking time off or returning to work. We see ourselves as a vocational partner for life. For every phase of our employees, we develop individual and reliable solutions with you that fit you and your family life.
We offer multiple careers, which we adapt individually to every employee. Specialist and management careers are regarded as equivalent in this respect.
Our corporate strategy also has cultural guidelines, e.g. to become masters of leadership, to actively promote employees and enable them to develop their talents to the fullest.
Everything is possible with us. A strict career ladder contradicts our idea of freedom and individual development possibilities. We strongly support proactiveness and the willingness to think outside the proverbial box, and we actively promote our employees‘ career with continuing education programs.