Security Operation Center (SOC)

The Security Operation Center (SOC) is the heart of our SIEM service. Here we collect all security-relevant data, perform in-depth analysis, evaluate the data, plan preventive measures and implement them.
The basis for this are customized use cases which are stored in the SIEM system. This helps us to ensure an efficient response to security incidents.

Our SOC employees regularly inform you about the status of your IT security and advise you about preventive measures. We provide you with ready-made instruction manuals, so-called “playbooks”, for typical security scenarios. This guarantees a quick and efficient response if a problem occurs.

As a follow-up, the SOC also provides you with the forensic analysis of the event so you can evaluate the extent of the damage and can better protect yourself from future attacks.

SOC – Your Advantages at a Glance

  • Planning of preventive measures
  • Recognition and management of weak spots (vulnerability management)
  • Pre-defined instructions for a quick and efficient response to typical security incidents (playbooks)
  • Forensic analysis of incidents