DATAGROUP Finance Cloud

DATAGROUP Finance Cloud is a dedicated cloud solution for the specific requirements of our customers from the financial industry. For many years, banks and insurance companies have relied on the expertise of DATAGROUP. These companies are subject to strict supervisory requirements of the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) and the ECB.

The data centers of the Finance Cloud are located in Germany and are designed for georedundancy. They are characterized by their high failure protection and comprehensive certifications. As such they comply with the regulatory requirements of the BaFin relating to data privacy, IT security, availability and redundancy. The functional capability of the Finance Cloud Services is regularly tested in emergency simulations with the customers.

DATAGROUP enables customers to use hybrid service operations with the Finance Cloud offering flexible access to hyperscale cloud solutions. In doing so, DATAGROUP combines the advantages of both worlds (on-premise and hyperscale cloud) for its customers compliant to the requirements. The Finance Cloud Services are regularly tested and certified by independent institutes (ISO 27001, ISO 20000, ISO 9001, ISO 14000, IDW PS951 Type B). DATAGROUP covers the regulatory requirements with the “Three Lines of Defense” model whilst the internal audit performs process-independent tests to guarantee an effective governance, risk and compliance management.

Finance Cloud – Your Advantages at a Glance

  • Compliance with strict regulatory requirements (BaFin / ECB)
  • Georedundant data centers in Germany
  • Hybrid operations possible using hyperscale cloud solutions
  • Comprehensive certifications and internal audit facilitate audit activities
  • Partnership at eye-level

Peter Vages