The annual general meeting was held on Thursday, March 4th at our corporate headquarter in Pliezhausen. Due to the unchanged tense situation with the Corona pandemic in Germany, the Executive Board and Supervisory Board decided to forego physical presence and hold the Annual General Meeting virtually to protect shareholders. Shareholders could participate in the Annual General Meeting virtually via a webportal.
Anke Banaschewski
Investor Relations
Confirmation of the recording and counting of votes:
The voting party may obtain confirmation of whether and how his/her vote was counted within one month after the day of the Annual General Meeting.
For this purpose, the voting party may contact the Company in the following manner, between Monday and Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.:
Telephone: +49 7127 970-015
To issue the confirmation, in addition to stating your first and last name and place of residence, it is also necessary to provide your access number. You will find this in the top right-hand corner of the ticket.