Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)

A holistic view on security-relevant events offers many advantages for IT security officers, for instance to identify patterns and avert damage from the IT infrastructure.

However, companies often lack this holistic view, and attacks, irregularities or securities holes are rather identified separately.
With the Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) companies can take a holistic view on their IT security.

We collect all technical protocols (log files) of security-relevant systems in the most different formats, transfer them into a uniform and readable form (normalization) and index them. That way they are available to you and to our security experts in a consolidated form for search queries, pattern recognition and correlation analysis.

SIEM – Your Advantages at a Glance

  • Registration and central collection of all security-relevant events
  • Extensive search function, pattern recognition and correlation analyses make sure you can take a holistic view on your IT security
  • Pre-defined instructions for a quick and efficient response to typical security incidents (playbooks)