Customers Have Chosen: DATAGROUP Is in the Top Ranks

Only those who are consistently geared to the customers’ needs will succeed in the long term. For this reason, DATAGROUP strives to identify new requirements as early as possible and to transform them into efficient and high-quality solutions. With success, as proven by the outcome of the IT Outsourcing Study 2018 conducted by Whitelane Research and sourcing advisor Navisco: We are again at the top in terms of customer satisfaction among the leading IT service providers.

For the German part of the largest independent Europe-wide comparative study on IT outsourcing, 29 international as well as small and medium-sized IT service providers were evaluated by their respective customers. The assessments of more than 600 outsourcing contracts were incorporated into the study.

We were able to again achieve a high score in general customer satisfaction and are well above the median of 66% with a satisfaction rate of 75%. In Categories like price and contractual flexibility we successfully stood up to our competitors and rank first with 82% and 80% respectively.

We are very proud of this excellent result – as it shows that we are close to our customers and can come up with the right answers to their questions.

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Sarah Berger-Niemann
T +49 7127 970-060
F +49 7127970-033